Who We Are

Eco Bazaar London is a sustainable & plastic-free lifestyle shop on a mission to help reduce plastic waste. We offer a wide selection of products to help reduce the consumption of single-use plastics in our everyday life and support organisations that contribute positively to our planet, oceans, and our future.

All our packaging is plastic-free and completely recyclable, we make sure that all our products are not just environmentally friendly, but they are also durable and high quality, to avoid unnecessary waste whenever possible. Thank you for joining us in our journey to care for our beautiful planet and beauty.

We believe the things we buy are important, so we provide a range of mindfully selected, eco-friendly, reusable and sustainable products, to help you make informed ethical purchases that protect our planet.

We are a company devoted to helping you to reduce the impact everyday living has on our formidable blue planet, and to leave it a better place for future generations. Most of our products are plastic-free, cruelty-free and not tested on animals.

Our packaging is always completely plastic-free, recycled materials.

We live and breathe sustainability - planet protection pulses through our veins. Far from just being 'a shop' we believe strongly in education as a solution to the climate emergency.

We are regularly donating to environmental causes and charitable organisations that work far beyond our reach in protecting our Blue Planet.

Please have a read of our Journal in the blog area. We have written them for you - to inform and support you as you join us in treading a little lighter on this beautiful earth. If there's anything you would like to know, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to help.

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Eco Bazaar Team

Fi & Family!

Founder - I am an Economics Graduate who has followed my interests by pursuing skincare courses and then went on to work with a friend in her kitchen as she set out to start a natural and eco-friendly products business. Having been on that journey growing her business I was inspired to do something similar to have learnt so much along the way. I am a mother of three beautiful girls of varying ages all still in full-time education. Like other women, life is a constant juggling act but am up for that challenge and my family are too!

My Supporter - My husband, like me, is also an Economics graduate though he went on to study Accountancy at a professional level. He has worked in the City for several tap tier corporates but similarly to me believes that it's time to put all of that experience into practice for ourselves and our beliefs. He has a passion for charitable work and has been involved in campaigning against climate 11 change and for the empowerment of women and girls. With a widowed mother, three sisters, three daughters and several nieces he is sometimes jokingly described as the PM, a persecuted minority! On a serious note that does give him empathy and understanding towards gender-based issues concerning women and girls.

My Young Supporter - My eldest daughter has been helping out by developing our website and running our Instagram page. This has been a perfect opportunity given that there has been no school since the lockdown during the pandemic and no exams to work towards. What better opportunity than to work on something for a real business and get some first-hand experience of developing a fully functioning website.

To be continued……..

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Our Values:

  1. Products and packaging
  2. Who we are, how we work and our thinking
  3. Our consideration for our customers and the global community

Our Products:

  • Eco/Environmentally Friendly
  • Sustainably Sourced and Natural
  • Plastic Free/Minimisation, Zero Waste & Low Carbon Footprint

These are the various considerations that will be reflected in our range of products brought to you in our shop. Some products will inevitably contain plastic and where this is the case, we encourage you to consider how these can be re-used/recycled if possible.

Us & Our Thinking:

Family Business, Female Led and Empowering

This is a family-run business, founded by me, supported by my husband and last but not least my eldest daughter. An example of the empowerment we would like to bring to others where a little support could provide a chance to transform their lives for the better.

Family values are important to us and we would encourage thinking of others, particularly those less well-off affected by climate change and other practices causing environmental damage, as well as women and girls affected by gender injustices, common in many societies. This consideration is a firm part of being a part of the global family that we all belong to just as you would consider your own immediate family, hopefully! We only have one planet so let's do our bit to protect and preserve it for all and our future generations too.

Our Customers:

Inclusivity& Accessibility for Our Customers

There are a couple of aspects to consider here. Firstly, we will not bring products to you if we feel that the price of the item is too excessive to consider purchasing as a reasonable substitute for non-ecological products. In theory zero waste might lead you to think that with less waste product prices should be lower, however as some of the natural materials used in the products or sustainable sources used are more expensive there is typically a premium to pay for many products.

Our dream is a world where eco-friendly products are more closely priced than non-eco-friendly products so that consumers have every incentive to make the best choices for the world! This is where governments have a huge role to play in terms of providing incentives for manufacturers, suppliers and consumers of eco-friendly products as well as tax disincentives for those of harmful products as they have done with sugar taxes. Enough of the Economics lecture! We would encourage considerate consumption as well as joining established environmental campaign groups to push for policy changes both domestic and international to accelerate positive changes that are needed.

Given that we are an online retailer without physical space this swiftly maximises our reach to customers far and wide to broaden this consumer-led eco revolution. In an ideal world, we would not need to exist if all products stocked on the high street and in all retailers would be eco-friendly as standard! We are a long way off that for now, however, you have to start somewhere, and we live in hope of a better future sometime soon!

The Global Community Bit:

We all have the power to make a difference and should do as much as we can to improve all of our futures, step by step. We believe that we have a responsibility to help improve the lives of others wherever possible and encourage other to do so too. To that end two areas that we are keen to support are:

  • Water and Sanitation Projects
  • Empowering Women and Girls

We will donate a proportion of our profits via UK registered charities involved in projects in these two areas of work in less fortunate parts of the world. Through ‘rounding up’ customers are also invited to contribute to these projects by rounding up their invoice amounts to the nearest pound. Our belief is that small change(s) can make a big difference! The more people that join us on this journey the quicker we will bring about the positive changes we hope to achieve both through consumption of less harmful products and at the same time the charitable dimension of our mission. We are after all quite literally all in this together.

Water and Sanitation projects

Water is the key to all life. Yet across the globe, a staggering 785 million people are going thirsty every day. Without safe and clean water to drink, these people risk dehydration, disease and at worse: death. We wish for all communities to have a safe and reliable source of water not only today but for life too. We prefer to bypass short-term interventions and high running costs to instead support long-term sustainable solutions; installing irrigation systems, building water tanks, training communities, distributing hygiene kits and rehabilitating viable water systems.

Empowering Women & Girls- Educate a Woman/Girl to Educate a Nation is our Motto!

We are inspired by projects empowering women to increase their household income and break out of the brutal cycle of poverty. This can be achieved through bespoke training, seeds/tools, cash grants, and education for girls- commonly sacrificed in hardship, which then leads to increased income, higher school retention, and food security. They can then grow to provide for themselves and their families for generations to come. We prefer longer projects with follow-on initiatives to build on successes, sustaining the benefits and impact of these endeavours. Sustainable solutions are chosen to minimise the damage to the environment and the economies of local communities.